ICF Builder Award Entry Deadline

October 11, 2024!


Industry-Wide “Project of the Year” Competition Will be Best Yet

The ICF Builder Awards are back again. The ICF Builder Awards are open to anyone involved with ICFs, without restriction on form type, brand, or number of entries, and is the largest, oldest, and most prestigious ICF competition in existence.

The 2024 contest received dozens of top projects.  This year’s contest promises to be even better than last year’s highly successful event. To maximize your project’s chances of winning see “Secrets of Winning Entries” below.

Contractors, distributors, and ICF manufacturers are encouraged to submit projects for consideration. Simply download the Entry Form or call the magazine at 877-229-9174 to request a notebook.

2025 Builder Award Entry Notebook

Official Rules

Entry Notebooks
New information for 2025
Project materials must be submitted with an official Entry Notebook. If you are submitting a project that you have previously submitted, please fill out a new Entry Notebook. Do not resubmit the Entry Notebook from the previous year. The Entry Notebook can be downloaded above or a copy can be requested by phoning or emailing the editor of ICF Builder Magazine, Vanessa Salvia, at vanessa@icfmag.com. It is acceptable for the Entry Notebook to refer to additional materials submitted with, but not contained within, the Entry Notebook. When your entry materials are complete, contact Vanessa Salvia at vanessa@icfmag.com to request a Google Drive folder where you will add your Entry Notebook and photos. Please ensure that the project name on your photo folder matches the project name on the Entry Notebook. The Google Drive folder will be created for you when you request one. These requirements will be enforced and submissions that do not meet these requirements will not be considered.

Entry Fees
Cost is $90 (U.S.) for each Entry Notebook submitted. Members of ICF Builder Group will have the fee waived for the first project. Entry Notebooks without payment will not be considered.

Entry Notebooks must be received no later than Friday, October 11, 2024.

Competition Categories
Projects must use Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) as the primary construction method for the exterior walls. Awards will be given in the following categories:

Residential entries will be placed in categories based on the “total conditioned square footage of the home,” excluding garage and attic space, if conditioned.

Small Residential
Single-family residential buildings totaling 3,000 sq. ft. or less of conditioned space.

Large Residential
Single-family residential buildings between 3,001 and 6,000 sq. ft. of conditioned space.

Unlimited Residential
Single-family residences larger than 6,000 sq. ft. of conditioned space.

The Education category consists of K-12 and college learning facilities.


Light Commercial
This category encompasses all commercial construction projects with a total project cost of less than $5 million (USD). Typical projects in this category would include car washes, warehouse space, restaurants, gas stations, churches, and small retail and office complexes.

Heavy Commercial
This category is for commercial construction with a total project cost of more than $5 million (USD). This would include most cinema multiplexes, churches, and large office and retail buildings. Apartment complexes and condominiums would fall into the MultiFamily category.

This category includes all buildings designed for more than one family, as well as similar constructions that are six stories or more. This includes student dormitories, hotels, condominiums, and so forth.

MultiFamily Low-Rise
Buildings designed for multifamily living that are five stories or less. This includes projects like duplexes, four-plexes, and apartments.

Pools of any size constructed of ICFs.

Specialty Applications
This category includes all uses that do not fall into one of the above categories. Examples include retaining walls, water features, zoo exhibits, landscaping, and so forth.

We retain the right to reassign a project’s category if specifications show the project is inappropriate for the category in which it is competing.

Projects must be completed (defined as having an occupancy permit, if intended to be habitable) by the entry deadline.   The project completion date must be within five years of the entry deadline.

The competition is open to any type or brand of ICF, and projects may be submitted by anyone associated with the project.

Photography Requirements
New Photography information for 2025
We will only accept a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 30 photographs with each entry. Please submit what you consider to be the best and most representational images for the project. At least 4 photos must be of the project under construction, and at least 3 must be of the finished project, including at least 1 photo each showing the completed interior and exterior of the project. No kilobyte-size (KB) images accepted. Please submit images 1 MB and up in size, high resolution preferred. High resolution photos are considered to be 300 dpi at 100% size. If you don’t have photos meeting this photography criteria let us know or consider entering the following year when you are able to get better photos. Photos should illustrate the project’s ability to address each of the other judging criteria. All photos submitted should be separate, image files in JPG format. Please do not submit videos, but links to videos are ok. Please do not embed photos in your Entry Notebook. When your entry materials are complete, contact Vanessa Salvia at vanessa@icfmag.com to request a Google Drive folder where you will add your Entry Notebook and photos. Please ensure that the project name on your photo folder matches the project name on the Entry Notebook. These requirements will be enforced and submissions that do not meet these requirements will either not be considered or will receive a 0 for photography.

Entry Notebook/Photos Submission
New submission information for 2025
When your entry materials are complete, contact Vanessa Salvia at vanessa@icfmag.com to request a Google Drive folder where you will add your Entry Notebook and photos. A folder will be created and shared with you. Please ensure that the project name on your photo folder matches the project name on the Entry Notebook. These requirements will be enforced and submissions that do not meet these requirements will not be considered.

Additional Information
If you have questions or need additional information, email Vanessa Salvia at vanessa@icfmag.com.

Judging Criteria

  • ICF Use 20% 20%
  • Construction Factors 40% 40%
  • Design Factors 25% 25%
  • Significance 15% 15%

ICF Use (20%)

Size (Floor): 5%
Bigger projects are usually more visible, and more difficult. The portion of the score compares the floor area of the project to others in the same category.

Sq. Footage of ICFs: 5%
Even more important than the overall size of the project is the scope of the ICF installation. The portion of the score compares the square footage of ICF walls, both interior and exterior

Percentage ICFs: 10%
Exterior ICF walls will get some points, but projects that use ICFs for interior walls, retaining walls, pools, safe rooms, and other systems will score even higher. The use of foam decking systems for floors or roofing, or underslab insulation, will boost this portion of the score even higher. All ICF aspects of the project, such outbuildings, landscaping, etc. are considered.

Construction Factors (35%)

Complexity and Creativity: 15%
A project with many angles, wall thicknesses, radius, or other construction considerations scores higher than a simple rectangular footprint. The number of window and door openings and steel embeds would also affect this portion of the score. Creativity refers to how the designer and contractor used ICFs to find innovative solutions to construction challenges, such as bracing modifications or new ways of reinforcing radius walls.

Construction and Site Considerations: 15%
Overcoming construction challenges like tight schedules, tight sites, difficult topography, bad weather, and so forth show the advantages ICFs can bring to the table. Winning over a difficult GC or other sub-trade to ICFs will also boost the score in this category. Finally, the cost per square foot, affordability, and the value the homeowner received for the budget allocated is also considered in this category.

Craftsmanship: 5%
This portion of the score evaluates the level of precision and craftsmanship displayed. Attention to detail, straightness of walls, embeds, and bucks; and the absence of voids, honeycombing, bulges, etc. will contribute to a high score.

Design Factors (30%)

Architecture: 15%
Winning project illustrate that ICF projects are more than bunkers or simple boxes. The quality of interior and exterior finish, as well as proportions and the neighborhood aesthetic all play a role. Projects that score highly in this area demonstrate an awareness of architectural styles, timeless design principles, current trends, and the owner’s wishes.

Sustainability: 10%
Site use, water use, insulation, heating, alternative energy, recycled content, the efficiency of the various appliances and fixures, and other factors are considered. HERS ratings, LEED certification, EnergyStar, or other green building certification program also play a role.

Photography: (5%)
New Photography information for 2025: We will only accept a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 30 photographs with each entry. Please submit what you consider to be the best and most representational images for the project. At least 4 photos must be of the project under construction, and at least 3 must be of the finished project, including at least 1 photo each showing the completed interior and exterior of the project. Photos must be high-resolution. High resolution photos are considered to be 300 dpi at 100% size. If you don’t have photos meeting this high-resolution criteria let us know or consider entering the following year when you are able to get better photos. Photos should illustrate the project’s ability to address each of the other judging criteria. All photos submitted should be separate, image files in JPG format. Please do not submit videos, but links to videos are ok. Please do not embed photos in your Entry Notebook. When your entry materials are complete, contact Vanessa Salvia at vanessa@icfmag.com to request a Google Drive folder where you will add your Entry Notebook and photos. Please ensure that the project name on your photo folder matches the project name on the Entry Notebook. These requirements will be enforced and submissions that do not meet these requirements will either not be considered or will receive a 0 for photography.

Significance (15%)
This portion of the score ranks a project’s significance to the ICF industry, including whether it has set new standards or advanced the industry in significant ways. This includes factors such as a new benchmark in height or size, opening new regions or construction segments to ICFs, and the amount of positive publicity it has created among construction and design professionals, as well as the public at large. Exceptional media coverage and jobsite tours are obvious factors as well.

Secrets of Winning Entries

The ICF Builder Awards represents the best-of-the best in the industry.  All projects submitted are noteworthy, and getting your project to score highly requires understanding how the judging process works.

Tips to maximize your chance of winning: Every project submitted to the competition is built with ICFs, and the judges are already familiar with ICF technology. You should explain what makes your entry different from other ICF projects, not how it differs from traditional wood construction.

Make sure the Entry Notebook contains all the relevant information and photographs that judges need to make a decision. Judges will not give a project “the benefit of the doubt” if a question is left blank. Special emphasis should be given to the project’s significance, complexity, and construction challenges. Together, these categories make up 50% of the total score. Note that Sustainability is only 10% of the score. It is a contributing, but not determining, factor in coming out on top.

Review the judging criteria carefully and evaluate how the project measures up in each area. It may be helpful to download the score sheet used by the judges and score your own project against past winners in your category. Don’t overwhelm the judging panel with dozens and dozens of photos. Select between 7 and 30 photos that illustrate key characteristics of the building. Be sure to include views of the interior and exterior, as well as views during construction and after completion.

When taking photos, take a moment to compose a clear shot. Park cars elsewhere. Remove buckets, hoses, and trash bags. Request that people not walk into the scene. Finally, make sure that the information provided is accurate.


What are the ICF Builder Awards?
The ICF Builder Awards are an annual project-of-the-year competition for the insulated concrete form (ICF) industry. Winners are selected in multiple categories, including Light Commercial, Heavy Commercial, MultiFamily, and three residential divisions. They represent the industry’s very best, and generate significant positive publicity, especially for the construction and design teams. Each year, the ICF Builder Awards attract entries from across the globe, including theaters, schools, condos, and residential projects of every shape, size and style.

When and where will the ICF Builder Award presentation take place?
The award ceremony takes place in person on the Wednesday during the week of World of Concrete. If issues arise that do not allow an in-person event to take place, we will shift to an online format. Details are made available as we get closer to the event.

Can I resubmit a previous entry?
We do accept projects that were previously submitted. If you wish to resubmit, please fill out a new 2025 Entry Notebook and don’t resubmit the previous year’s notebook. You can re-submit previous projects that did not win an award (Winner, 1st Runner-up, 2nd Runner-up, or People’s Choice) in any ICF Builder Award competition in the past 5 years. If you would like to refer to your original notebook and don’t have access to it, please reach out to us.


Each person must RSVP to attend the ICF Builder Award presentation, even if a large group from the same company or project is attending. RSVP details are made available as we get closer to the event.

Plaques and Duplicate Plaques
Plaques are provided to the winners and 1st and 2nd runners up in each category. One complementary plaque is provided to the winning project in each category. The complimentary plaque is provided to the person who submitted the project. All others may purchase duplicate plaques. Plaque ordering details are made available as we get closer to the event.

Is it worth it for me to travel to the ICF Builder Award presentation even if I don’t know if I won?
Yes! We think it is worth it to travel to the ICF Builder Awards. Every project that makes it to the ICF Builder Awards is a winner, either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place, or People’s Choice. Each of these winning projects will receive a plaque. Each of these projects will be discussed at the awards ceremony, printed in the awards booklet, placed on our website online, and potentially printed in our magazine throughout the year. Attending World of Concrete can be a good place to build business contacts, and attending the ICF Builder Awards ceremony is a great place to network. Representatives of the ICF manufacturers along with some of the best installers, general contractors, architects, and other ICF team members are in the room and could be seated at your table.

Limited Sponsorship Opportunities Available

The ICF Builder Awards are supported, in part, through generous sponsors. As in years past, limited sponsorship opportunities are available.

If your company or organization wants to be a sponsor of the premier ICF award competition, contact Craig Shorts at 877-229-9174 ext. 1.

We continue to use the award in our ads. I certainly would apply again.

Louis Lemoine

Best Residential Development

We never would have received all of this coverage without the award and it has been a source of potential business as well as giving much needed press to the ICF Building industry.

Barry Oberpriller

ICF House of the Year Award

The People’s Choice award [from the regional Parade of Homes] was such a welcome surprise, but your award has elevated our project to another level!… We sincerely appreciate what your publication has given us and will continue to spread the word with advertising.”

Beverly Stevenart